The Fourth Annual International Conference on Popular Romance Studies
The Pleasures of Romance
York, United Kingdom
27-29 September, 2012
Deadline Extended to May 30, 2012
Competitive Travel Grants Available
Pleasure is continually disappointed, reduced, deflated, in favor of strong, noble values: Truth, Death, Progress, Struggle, Joy, etc. Its victorious rival is Desire: we are always being told about Desire, never about Pleasure.
Roland Barthes
I adore simple pleasures. They are the last refuge of the complex.
Oscar Wilde
In novels, films, TV, fan fiction, pop music, and other media, romance has been both consumed and derided because of the pleasures it imparts. Even those who deride or debunk romance may find, in that refusal, a pleasure of social distinction. Open to talks on any topic related to popular romance texts (in any medium) and to the representation of romantic love in global popular media, now and in the past, this multi-disciplinary conference will also highlight the vexed issue of “pleasure” in popular romance texts, popular romance fandom, and popular romance studies.
All theoretical and empirical approaches are welcome, from affect studies and cognitive science to literary history, middlebrow studies, psychoanalysis, queer theory, and sociology. Proposals may focus on single authors, texts, songs, films, TV series, and marketing campaigns, or on broader, more theoretical approaches, including discussions of pedagogy. We are eager to receive proposals on older forms of popular romance (classical, medieval, early modern, etc.) and on love in Asian, African, Middle Eastern, and Latin American popular culture.
Submit proposals for individual papers, full panels, roundtables, interviews, or innovative presentations to conferences@iaspr.org by May 30, 2012. All proposals will be peer reviewed.
Travel grants will be available for presenters, on a competitive basis.
Eric, I noticed that the previous CFP seemed to be much more narrowly focused on "pleasure." This one seems to be saying that papers can be
ReplyDelete(a) "on any topic related to romantic love in global popular media, now and in the past"
(b) on "the vexed issue of 'pleasure' in popular romance texts, popular romance fandom, and popular romance studies."
This does seem to widen the possibilities for papers but presumably it still means that papers which are about romance novels, but not particularly about "romantic love" or "pleasure," aren't being sought. Is that right?
You're a good close reader as always, Laura! Indeed, this is a broader call: in the future we're going to move away from having specific themes for IASPR conferences, and I wanted to shift things in that direction for this one.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking strictly for myself here, I'd say that any paper about romance novels actually would be eligible, so perhaps I'll slip behind the curtain and make a small revision to the CFP, to make that clear.
There we go! It now says "Open to talks on any topic related to popular romance texts (in any medium) and to the representation of romantic love in global popular media, now and in the past..." etc. I think that casts the net in the right directions!