
Monday, April 24, 2023

Blogger's Guidelines Affecting Teach Me Tonight

We've had two posts placed behind a content warning now. The first was of a post written many years ago, discussing a book which I can accept had a title/contents which were definitely what might have been classified as for adults. However, my last post was just a round-up of recent publications and it had nothing in it at all unsafe for work or that would have been unsuitable for small children to see, unless small children aren't even allowed to know of the existence of certain words/concepts.

As far as I can tell, it would at best be difficult to challenge Blogger's decisions on such matters and at worst I'd have to make a huge effort and the decision would still stand. I don't know how many posts will be hidden in future but I'm pretty much only posting details of new publications to notify readers of those, so I'm assuming that everyone who's interested will click through.

I'd be interested to know what regular readers of TMT think. Comments, by the way, are pre-moderated due to the amount of spam we were getting.

All the best,



  1. I could click through without a problem; other blogs I follow that are considered 'adult' blogs show me a screen in the middle ("are you sure you want to go there?" kinda thing), which I'm not seeing here.

    Is there a post more recent than the one from March 21st with beefcake and eroticism in the title?

  2. trying again--unless this post has been deleted. I'm sure it's the same post I replied to the first time around, because the "notify me" box is still checked out.

  3. And...I see my second attempt now, but I don't see my first reply. We'll see if I see this one.

  4. I'm seeing two comments here now from you, both posted after 15:00. And you said elsewhere that you weren't seeing a content warning. But your first comment vanished. Maybe quite a bit of this is due to some random malfunctions inside the Blogger software which shouldn't affect regular posts here. I hope so!
