
Wednesday, June 09, 2021

Stereotypes of Romance Readers and their Effects

This "presentation is about how romance novels and readers are perceived, not reality." Andrea Martucci used the fact that the Bridgerton screen adaptation of a Julia Quinn novel introduced many people to romance, to discover more about attitudes towards romance novels, romance readers, and what happens when someone with a negative perception of both discovers that they actually like reading romances!

Andrea Martucci gave this presentation at the PCA/ACA conference this year with the title "Romance Reader Stereotypes: Will Bridgerton Change Popular Perceptions About Romance Novels?" She writes that this 

video version of my Pop Culture Association presentation, recently presented at #PCARomance [...] is just one tiny slice of the research I did. I'll be touching on other aspects of the research in future episodes of the podcast. (Twitter)

Her Shelf Love podcast can be found here.