
Thursday, April 15, 2021

Congratulations to a new Doctor of Romance: Vassilikí Véros!

As she announced here, Vassilikí Véros now has

a PhD! With typical Covid fanfare, my conferral was emailed to me today. As I don’t own a floppy graduation hat, I donned my fave tiara (yes I own more than 1), my fave conference dress and took some pics with my fave romance fiction book

Since one advantage of this is that we can all join this virtual "graduation ceremony" I thought I'd post her photo here.

The PhD is titled "What the Librarians Did: The Marginalisation of Romance Fiction Through the Practices of Public Librarianship" and it's in Information and Knowledge Management/Digital Information Management, from the University of Technology, Sydney.

Since it's not currently available online, here's a list of Vassilikí's existing publications about romance, most of which are free to access:

Veros, Vassiliki (2012) "The Romance Reader and the Public Library." Australian Library Journal 61.4:298-306 [Free Access]
Veros, Vassiliki (2015) "A Matter of Meta: Category Romance Fiction and the Interplay of Paratext and Library Metadata." Journal of Popular Romance Studies 5.1 [Free Access]
Veros, Vassiliki (2017) "Keepers: Marking the Value of the Books on my Shelves." Proceedings from the Document Academy 4.1 [Free Access]

Veros, Vassiliki (2019) "Metatextual Conversations: The Exclusion/Inclusion of Genre Fiction in Public Libraries and Social Media Book Groups." Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association 68.3:254-267 [Abstract]

Veros, Vassiliki (2020) "The selective tradition, the role of romance fiction donations, and public library practices in New South Wales, Australia." Information Research 25.2 [Free Access]

Congratulations Vassilikí!


  1. Thank you so much, Laura. IASPR has been such a critical organisation for my research as has been Teach Me Tonight. The whole romance fiction scholarly community have been so supportive and wonderful. Now I will hopefully have more time to read some romance fiction :)

  2. I love this post, Laura. Huge congratulations again to Vassiliki for her tremendous achievement.

  3. I'm really happy to be able to announce it here!

  4. The ides of April bring us wonderful news! Congrats!
