
Monday, January 27, 2014

Popular Romance Project Survey

This came over the RomanceScholar listserv today, and I thought I'd pass it along to our readers here as well.  Feel free to pass it along, Tweet it, etc.; the wider the distribution, the more useful the results!
The Popular Romance Project ( website is expanding and needs your feedback! The Popular Romance Project explores the history, study, consumption, and production of popular romance through articles, interviews, and more, and has featured the work of IASPR members including officers Eric Selinger, Pamela Regis, Sarah Frantz, An Goris, Jayashree Kamble, and Chryssa Sharp. 
The new website will greet visitors with questions about popular romance, inviting them to learn more about how romance novels and love stories have grown from the epic tales and poetry of the past to today's billion-dollar industry. Take our survey (10 minutes) to let us know what questions grab your attention and get you clicking:


  1. The link takes one to a sign-in page for De Paul, which rather limits the survey!

    1. Thanks for mentioning this, Helena. I've sorted out the links.

  2. Oh, dear! Thank you for spotting that, Helena, and thank you Laura for fixing the problem! I simply cut and pasted the message I'd received, without checking the links--never a good idea in cyberspace.

  3. The Popular Romance Project here. Thank you for sharing this!
