
Monday, November 05, 2012


EUPOP 2013

EUPOP 2013 – PCA Europe Annual Conference
University of Turku
31 July – 2 August 2013
CFP Deadline: 29 March 2013

Individual paper and panel contributions are invited for the second yearly international conference of the European Popular Culture Association (EPCA), organised with the Popular Culture Association Finland (PCA-Finland) and the International Institute for Popular Culture, IIPC.

EUPOP 2013 will explore European popular culture in all its different forms. This could include European Film (past and present), Television, Music, Celebrity, The Body, Fashion, New Media, Comics, Popular Literature, Sport, Heritage and Curation.

The special streams will include themes such as Sport, Obesity, Violence, Spirituality, Technology and Transatlantic Cultural Interaction in the popular culture context.

Closing date for this call is 29 March 2013. There will be opportunities for networking, publishing and developing caucus groups within the EPCA. Presenters at EUPOP 2013 will be encouraged to develop their papers for publication in a number of Intellect journals, including the Journal of European Popular Culture, the journal of the EPCA. Journal editors will be working closely with strand convenors – a full list of Intellect journals is available at: Papers and Complete Panels for all strands should be submitted to the email contact below.

Paper/panel submissions will be subject to peer review. Submit paper or panel proposals to: (the same address should be used for general administrative queries).

Keynote speakers to be confirmed.


  1. Wow! Three new conference CFPs in a single day, in Europe, India, and Australia? Romance Studies goes global, in a big way, in 2013. Now, how do we make sure that IASPR/JPRS reaches out to everyone, or has a presence everywhere? And where do I ask my department to send me?

    Good problems to have, as they say!

    1. "And where do I ask my department to send me?"

      Well, An and Amy went to the last EUPOP, so they could give you more of an idea of what it might be like. I couldn't find any more details about the Indian conference because the college's events page didn't seem to have been updated for quite some time, so it would probably be worth checking up with them to get more details about who's likely to be presenting papers there. I think you said on RomScholar that you'd be emailing the organisers of the Australian conference to find out more about that?

  2. That's right, Laura--I wanted to check on the exact dates in November, and they've written back to say that they're finalizing the arrangements with a keynote speaker, and will have those shortly.

    There are any number of variables to juggle: the relative dates of the various conferences (including PCA and IASPR), the cost of getting to the conference, which my department might or might not cover, and of course the timing with my family, as well as the scope and appeal of the conference itself.

    If I get any additional news about any of these, I'll be sure to pass it along!

    1. There's also the Elizabeth Jolley Conference on Reading and Writing Romance in the 21st Century, which is in Australia on the 16th of August.

      Wasn't there a calendar feature on the IASPR message boards? They went so quiet I gave up visiting but perhaps they could be revived for the purposes of coordinating attendance at conferences (or at least a calendar could be used to help keep track of when and where they'll be).

  3. Maybe we need to spread ourselves out...have a conference call and figure out who will go where!

  4. It's the Great Commission of Pop Romance!
