
Thursday, July 16, 2009

IASPR Blitz on FRIDAY at RWA (including meet-up announcement)

IASPR will have a table at the Moonlight Madness Bazaar on Thursday, July 16, 8-midnight. We'll be talking about IASPR to anyone interested. We'll also be handing out IASPR swag to members: a tote bag, a membership pin, pens, a lanyard, bookmarks, etc. So come and get come cool IASPR stuff and meet the Officers.

Sarah, Pam Regis, and IASPR member, Jessica Lyn Van Slooten, will be presenting on "The Wit, Wisdom, and Writing Advice of Jennifer Crusie" on Friday, July 17, 3:15-4:15pm, in Washington 3. IASPR Board Member Jenny Crusie herself will be responding to the panel! We'd love to see IASPR members there.

The IASPR meet-up will be after the panel, from 4:30-6:30, in the second floor elevator lobby. There are really nice big elevator lobbies here, and our room is NOT a nice big room, so we'll hang around in the elevator lobby and talk about romance scholarship. We'd love to see you there.


  1. i'll be micro-blogging and tweeting the rwa fun...check me out at

    and, over at twitter



  2. Yes, just to clarify, Dharmagirl will be at RWA

    presenting as one of a very few professors. I'm anxious, eager, excited, nervous.

    My presentation title: Food, Fun, and Fellowship: Reading Recipes for Romance in Jenny Crusie’s Fiction

    My presentation topic: how Crusie uses food in three of her novels (Faking It, Bet Me, and Agnes and the Hitman) to develop characters, build relationships, and suggest successful recipes for other romance writers to follow

    Jessica, is that roughly the same topic as you were going to present under the title "“Metanarrative and Writing Advice in Jennifer Crusie’s Novels"? Looking at the synopsis that was posted earlier, it seemed as though it might be, but I'm not sure.
