
Friday, April 24, 2009

Princeton Posts 2009

I linked to the tweets from the conference in my last post, but there are also a few summaries online now.

At Dear Author there's an overview of the whole conference written by "reader, Karen W, who helps organize the fabulous Celebrate Romance seminar."

Another overview, this time from Joanne Rendell, can be found at The Huffington Post.

Hillary Rettig's piece at Daily Kos is a mixture of an overview and her own ideas about the connections between the romance genre and progressive thinking/activism. This can also be viewed at The Huffington Post.

You'll have to scroll down a bit to get to the summary but Michelle Buonfiglio has a post up about the "Keynote Roundtable, 'Romance Fiction and American Culture'" which included presentations by Tania Modleski, Stephanie Coontz, Mary Bly [“Eloisa James”], and Jennifer Crusie.

Smart Bitch Sarah Wendell summarises the presentations by Lynn S. Neal and Pamela Regis on inspirational romance.

Ann Herendeen, who was part of "Session II: Memory and Desire: Romance, History, and Literary Tradition" has now put up a transcript of her conference presentation.

Michelle Buonfiglio, who was speaking in the "Closing Roundtable: Romance Reads the Academy" has put up a full transcript of her presentation. This presentation turned out to be rather controversial and generated a number of responses after the conference, at sites including Dear Author, All About Romance, and Smart Bitches Trashy Books.

I'll update this post if I find more posts about the conference.


  1. I'm interested in the panels on race in romance.

  2. Sarah (Frantz) is planning to post a write-up of the whole conference. She's still got to write up the posts she's planning to write about the PCA conference too, so she's rather busy and has quite a backlog. It's been a very productive month in terms of conferences.

  3. Is there a possibility of posting the proceedings online somewhere, possibly IASPR?

  4. Keira, I'm in the process of posting pretty detailed summaries of those papers I took notes for. Eric and Bill are discussing possibilities for proceedings. We're doing what we can, I promise.

  5. Thanks, Sarah. Off to read your post.

  6. Keira, I've just edited this post to add a link to Ann Herendeen's presentation, which she's put online at her blog.

  7. Laura, here's the link to Ann's LJ where she posted her talk.
