
Wednesday, September 21, 2022

New and Forthcoming Publications, and possibly another avenue for research

I wanted to give advance notice of a new book which is due to be published next year: Kamblé, Jayashree (2023). Creating Identity: The Popular Romance Heroine's Journey to Selfhood and Self-Presentation. Indiana University Press. More details can be found here.


I came across a footnote which was somewhat intriguing from a romance scholarship perspective:

I've blanked a couple of email addresses as they didn't seem necessary. But the rest of the text of the footnote is: "The impact of Brexit on relationships is mainly addressed in romance novels circulating on the internet, cf. e.g. Talbot, Carolin Elizabeth: Cloudfänger. Für immer jetzt, tolino media or Valerie Menton: Leaving Britain."

That's in Raß, M.N. (2022). "Crisis or Upheaval? Reflections on Brexit in Literature and Film: An Overview." Europe in Upheaval. Ed. M.N. Raß and K. Wolfinger. Palgrave Macmillan, Stuttgart.

I wonder if anyone else has noticed an impact of Brexit in romances.


And some new publications:

Allan, Jonathan A. (2022) " ‘Impossibly erotic things’: On men’s underwear in Brief Encounters by Suzanne Forster." Critical Studies in Men's Fashion 9.2:207-222. [Abstract]

Boussahba-Bravard, Myriam, "Le roman sentimental Regency, entre continuités et ruptures (2000-2020)," Le Temps des médias, 2021/2 (n° 37): 164-182. [Abstract]

Pierini, Francesca (2022). “Romance and Metagenre: A Response to Burkhard Niederhoff.” Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate 31:100-111. [Available for free download from here.]